Installing the development version of Python CLI applications

The task to solve is to install a development version of a Python CLI application, so that you can try it out. This is handy when you are working on a change for the app, or you would like to try out some unreleased version of it.

There are multiple ways to do this, probably the simplest one is to install the app from its Git repository, via pip, in the Python user install directory, in editable mode:

$ pip install --user --editable .

The above stops working once you would like to have a version of the same app installed using the OS’s package manager (dnf on Fedora Linux), or there are multiple apps you would like to have installed and their dependencies get tangled.

I’ve solved the above by installing such applications in their dedicated virtual environment, aka venv. Virtualenvwrapper is a tool which streamlines working with virtual environments:

$ sudo dnf install python3-virtualenvwrapper

Now I’m ready to create a virtualenv. For packit I did:

$ mkvirtualenv packit-dev

The command above should have already activated the virtualenv (which is the case if your prompt displays the name of the virtualenv). If not, you should activate it first:

$ workon packit-dev

Now navigate to the directory where the source code of the app is cloned and install the application with pip, in editable mode:

$ pip install --editable .

As the command above is called from an active virtualenv, the executable for pip is from the virtualenv, and the application is going to be installed in the virtualenv.

$ which pip

$ which packit

Calling the above executable of the application will use dependencies installed in the virtualenv, even when the environment is not active. You can tell this by looking at the shebang of the file:

$ head -n 1 $(which packit)

So at this point all you have to do is to create a symbolic link pointing to this file for easier access.

Use some name which makes it clear that this is a dev version of the app. I use packit-dev in this example. This way I have easy access both to the officially released packit, installed via dnf and the latest development version.

The symbolic link should be in some place in your PATH. This is usually ~/bin or ~/.local/bin. You might need to create the directory first.

$ ln -s $(which packit) ~/bin/packit-dev

Now you can deactivate the virtualenv. The dev version of the app is ready to be used:

$ deactivate
$ which packit-dev

Using --editable above makes it possible to try out some other version of the app just by switching branches in the Git repo. This is an easy way to try out the PRs of my teammates.

If a PR introduces some new dependencies, though, there is a little bit more to do: reactivate the virtualenv and re-install the app.

$ workon packit-dev
$ pip install --editable --upgrade .
$ deactivate

This blog post was written b/c of Stef’s PR.